Attention signals are an important part of any classroom. I also think it's important that you use
several attention signals so that one doesn't get overused and "burnt out", resulting in student disengagement.
One of my favorite attention signals is "Give Me Five".
CLICK HERE to download a file that could be used to create a bulletin board or to post signs as student reminders.
Here's how it works: When the teacher requires the attention of the whole class, he or she raises one hand to show the number five and says, "Give Me Five". Student respond by silently raising one of their hands and mirroring the "Give Me Five" signal so that any students who might have not heard the teacher will recognize that the class is giving attention to the teacher.
Make sure your students sit up and give their attention! |
Obviously... |
Eyes are on the TEACHER (not a book, or a paper, or a friend). |
Materials are put down and one hand is up. |
No one is talking except the teacher. |
Be sure to explicitly teach your class what "Give Me Five" really means: The following signs represent FIVE behaviors that must be exhibited when their hand is raised to show that they are ready and respectful for further direction. Remind the students that each of their five fingers is raised to show the teacher that they are following all FIVE of the behavior expectations for this attention signal.
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