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Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Teaching Procedures

No matter how many times your undergrad education professors may tell you to "explicitly teach and review simple classroom procedures throughout the entire school year", every teacher ends up learning this lesson the hard way.  I know it may not make a difference, but to any of you NEW teachers out there - here is a great checklist of things you may not think of TEACHING to your students.  But even kids in the upper grades don't remember the simple "how-to"s of going to school sometimes.

It's important that you know the answers to all these questions before kids walk in your door. And EQUALLY important that you go over all of your classroom procedures frequently.  As annoying and time consuming it seems to you as the teacher, I've seen the negative outcomes of letting things fall by the wayside.  Trust me - you'll be glad you spent all of September with these come April...

 CLICK HERE for the Procedure Check List (credit to Katie Jones)

CLICK HERE for ANOTHER Procedure Check List to cross reference (credit to Rachel Lynette)

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