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Monday, July 9, 2012

WHOOPS! Binder

Every year, I struggle to find ways to handle the students who are not prepared for class and do not complete homework assignments.  I've tried behavior contracts, sticker charts - EVERYTHING.  I don't find them useful.  As much as I love rewarding my students, I have a hard time justifying rewarding students ALL THE TIME for things they should just DO - like turning in assignments. Other teachers in my school send students to the hallway to finish assignments if they are not completed, but I just can't send 10-12 students out of class every day.

I found the "No Homework Binder" idea on pinterest the other day. Loved it - and just tweaked it a little for my purposes.  Basically, you make a copy of the binder page for each student, hole punch, and place in a binder.   When a student comes to class unprepared, he or she flips to their assigned page and marks the Date, Assignment, and REASON for not completing homework.

CLICK HERE to download a copy of the Binder Page. 

I think that this will be a great tool to use to keep records of which students are chronic homework-forgetters. It may not be a huge reward or consequence for homework behaviors, but it certainly would also be useful to have on hand during Parent-Teacher Conferences to show documentation of those students' habits.  I like that the page asks the student to list the REASON for not completing the homework assignment.  This way, you can look for solutions to this problem that are more specific to the reasons that student is failing to complete work. Is Daniel just leaving it at school? Does Susie FINISH her assignment, but leave it at home on the kitchen counter? Maybe Kyle doesn't do his assignment because he was at soccer practice.... If that is listed twenty times in the Binder this term, his parents need to know that extracurriculars are interfering with his schoolwork.

CLICK HERE to download a copy of my WHOOPS! Binder Cover (above) as well.

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